Three Indonesian citizens from Bali Still Missing in Haiti

foto courtesy of csmonitor

At least five people from Indonesia was in Haiti on Tuesday's earthquake measuring 7 SR, which could kill 100,000 people.

Two out of five citizens of Indonesia, which is known named Endang Satriyani and Yogi Anggoro confirmed alive, while three other Indonesian citizens is still unknown.

According to the Master of Business Ad-Interim PTRI New York Ambassador Hasan Kleib in an interview with AFP, local time Wednesday, Endang and Yogi when an earthquake was in the headquarters building the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in the Haitian capital, Port au Prince .

So far, the new PTRI managed to make contact with a Yogi by Indonesian citizens who worked for the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Luigi Pralangga.

From Yogi also note that three other Indonesians, who were all women. All three are believed to be in Port au Prince when the earthquake happened.

"Yogi said recently they had met in Port au Prince. The three residents of Indonesia's claim to come from Bali. But their names remain unknown. They are reportedly working on Caribee Hotel in Port au Prince," said Mr Hasan.

To explore the existence and the fate of the three Indonesians, said Hasan, PTRI continue to work with MINUSTAH offices in New York, which made coordination with MINUSTAH office in Port Au Prince.

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