Jakarta Fair 2011

Jakarta Fair 2011 was opened on June 9, 2011 until July 10, 2011. Jakarta Fair is held at the Arena PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta. Jakarta Fair this year is the 44 time, in order to commemorate the birthday of the City JakArt to 484.

Jakarta Fair is expected to become the premier tourist and shopping destination for millions of visitors. With the theme "Jakarta Fair helped accelerate Improved Welfare of Indonesia. " With the hope to trigger increased investment and employment expansion.

A variety of superior products in the country we can see in Jakarta Fair. This exhibition is also the largest exhibition in Southeast Asia. All products can be found here.
Jakarta Fair will be open every day starting at 3:30 PM until 10:00 PM on Weekdays, and on weekends opened at 10.00 AM till 11.00 PM

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