Bogor Palace will be open to the public

Bogor City birthday is celebrated annually on June 3th, because on June 3th, 1482 is the day of the coronation of King Siliwangi as king of the Kingdom of Pajajaran. In Bogor, the city celebrates birthday-529. The city of Bogor, Bogor Palace will open to the public. For those interested in following this event can register with the Department of Culture and Tourism of the city of Bogor.
Bogor Palace which formerly Buitenzorg or Sans Souci, which means "No worries" is one of six Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia. Have their own uniqueness because of the historical aspects, culture and fauna, one of which is the deer who come from Nepal.
Open Palace Activities will be held on June 13, 2011 until June 16, 2011, followed on June 20, 2011 to June 21, 2011.
There are some rules that must be obeyed by the visitors at the time of entry into the palace, namely:
- polite and neatly dressed
- Not allowed to use a pair of jeans made from
- Not allowed to use the flip-flops
- Children under 5 years do not allow entry
- Not allowed to bring lunch or a bag
This rule was created to teach the public that officials are also running the Palace during the rule that has been made.