Semarang Students Make the Highest Tahu Cone in the World

Students of Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial (AKS) Ibu Kartini, Semarang, initiated a world record in the form of mountain (cone) which made of "Tahu Pong".

Cone of "Tahu Pong" has 4.3 meters high by 6.54 meters circumference. This fantastic record finally recorded at MURI with No. 4158/R.MURI/2010.

Paul Pangka, Senior Manager MURI, said that the AKS Ibu Kartini has created a new world record.

"This world record. The only mountains are made of Tahu Pong only in Semarang, "said Paul Pangka, Saturday (20/2/2010).

Records was made on Friday at 21.00 pm yesterday until today at 07.30 pm, by entire student Department of Tata Boga, Semester I. This giant cone made from 7000 Tahu Pong.

According Listyarini Diah, Director AKS Mother Kartini, MURI record is not the main target. The main concern in this activity is the preservation and love of food typical campaign Semarang.

"We want to emphasize that Semarang culinary likes and locals love their area specialty. So the main objective is not to make a record, "said Diah.

Tahu Pong is a typical food of Semarang, in addition to lumpia, bandeng presto, and wingko babat. It feels very soft in hollow center.

This record was created in order to celebrate 25 years AKS Mother Kartini Semarang.

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