Composite Wire and Cable

Making composite cables and wires in electrical and electronics sector is growing, among others, to wrap the cable isolator requires the use of high temperatures, the use of anti-flame. It is also necessary for the material that has high temperature resistance, inexpensive and environmentally friendly.

At present we can find a variety of composite cables for military applications, automotive, telecommunications, medical and others of his. Composite cable can also be found on the Audio Video equipment our home, such as LCD or Plasma TV. Composite-video cable is created in the transition of black and white television to color television, which is the best option to continue the signal.

Many companies that make and provide a variety of cables with a variety of advanced technologies. One company in the field was Thermax which can help an industry to implement a variety of your technology. Thermax will provide a variety of innovative designs and manufactures high.

If you need a composite cable can contact Thermax Representative. They will be ready to assist you in fulfilling all your needs in providing a composite wire and cable quality.

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